How to Make a Man Addicted to Your Companionship

Lesson 36

One of the most effective and seductive ways to keep a man addicted to your female companionship is to become his favorite source of sensory distraction. If you truly know your guy and what things pleases his senses on every level, you can become the primary source of his most treasured physical sensualities. What this means is that over time you’re ensuring that most, if not all, of his most treasured and favored sensual reminiscences stem from his experiences with you. This might sound strange at first, but bear with me, because applying and mastering this concept will make it extremely difficult for a man not to think about you when you’re not around.

So here’s the thing, you want to be the woman, THAT woman, who can get him out of his head and away from his masculine world: his goals, accomplishments, to-do lists, etc., so that he can live more in the moment with you. You want to be that one woman who can pull him out of his worries and concerns and bring him into the pleasure-filled realm of the feminine, where all he has to do is simply exist and experience the pleasures of being ALIVE with you. The key to becoming this one and only woman will lie in your ability to influence his body, specifically his four senses: taste, touch, sound, and smell.

For the purposes of this lesson, it helps to think of the masculine world primarily as one of competition, conflict, and conquering, where almost everything a man does is aimed towards his advancement and attainment of status via overcoming obstacles. With that in mind, think of the feminine world primarily as one of cooperation, comfort, and companionship, where a woman strives towards cultivating an environment of peace, beauty, pleasure, and intimacy.

What men love most about being with a woman in this regard is the stark contrast that her world provides when he’s with her. Everything that makes a woman different from a man makes her desirable. Everything. Which is why a man can easily get lost in your world, as the experiences you can provide him as a woman, though foreign and unfamiliar, are immensely precious to him. These are all the sweet, seductive, and simple intimacies and experiences a man cannot get from his buddies, his work, his family, or even his hobbies.

Still with me? Good. I’ll illustrate this concept with a very simple example.

Imagine you’ve been seeing a pretty phenomenal guy for a couple of months, and during one of your dates at your place, he starts to open up about a difficult situation at work. After listening to him intently and allowing him to speak his mind and vent a bit, you’ve probably concluded that he’s just a little stressed and probably just needs to get out of his head after a long day. Using your situational awareness and understanding of male behavior, you’d then say something sweet and affirming that will validate his feelings and make him feel encouraged. Finally, instead of belaboring the issue (since no amount of conversation is going to solve it), you simply kiss him on the lips right before traipsing off to the fridge to grab a piece of chocolate lava cake that you’ve been wanting to share with him since lunch (since you know how much he loves chocolate). You then plunk down next to him and share the chocolate treat, all while looking lovingly into his eyes long enough for him to blush uncomfortably, forcing him to ask, “Why are you looking at me like that?” Your response – “No reason. I just think you’re amazing, that’s all. And how lucky I am to have you.”

That’s it.

This simple man-melting example shows how easy it is to play to a man’s senses for both his benefit and yours. You know he loves chocolate cake (taste), you know he loves your lips (touch), you know he needed some words of love and encouragement (sound), and between your signature scent and that chocolate lava cake (smell), you’ve completely taken over his senses and brought him out of his world and completely into yours.

Here are a few more less situationally specific examples to get you thinking in the right direction:

  • Humming a calming song while massaging his shoulders when he feels stressed or after performing some intense physical activity.
  • Offering him something delicious you’ve made (or purchased specifically for him) to cheer him up when he seems bummed out or frustrated.
  • Softly singing to yourself when he’s working on his laptop just an earshot away. (Clearly this works better if you know how to hold a tune.)
  • Spontaneously dancing while doing chores or some other mundane activity with him (even watching you do a silly dance out of mere joy is enough to make a guy laugh and appreciate your presence).
  • Sitting next to him or even on his lap while he’s watching something that’s clearly getting him unnecessarily worked up (…maybe he’s watching political news or has a love-hate relationship with his sports team).
  • Kissing, embracing, or snuggling in next to him when you know he needs (and wouldn’t mind) a sweet interruption.
  • Engaging him in a few moments of childlike fun; anything that involves lots of physical contact, girlish laughter, and playful teasing will pull him into your world.
  • Showing him something that made you laugh, smile, excited, or even playfully hysterical (like a weird YouTube video with a giant hairy spider eating a bird or something).

As you can see, these are all examples of simple pleasures that he’ll most want to experience with you, the kind of pleasures that can pull him out of his busy or boring world and into your own. I’m pretty sure you can think of a lot more, especially if you’re a bit more experienced with making men feel relaxed in your presence and fully present with you.

Make no mistake, women are the gatekeepers of pleasure, in all its various forms. If you can internalize this concept, you’ll quickly realize that a man can experience an enormous amount of pleasure in your presence without it having to be even remotely sexual. Guys just want to have fun too, so don’t be afraid to bring out more of your playful, pleasure-sharing sides with the man you want to keep in your life.

Remember, as I discussed in the previous lesson, relationship-minded men, whether they are aware of it or not, want to be with a woman that can offer them a “safe harbor” from their masculine world. Once you figure out what your guy wants and what he needs most in the moment, you can easily use his senses and the multitude of pleasures in your possession to get him out of his world (goals, accomplishments, success, money, competition, and status) and entirely into yours (love, happiness, pleasure, peace, comfort, and intimacy). Take control of his senses enough times and he won’t know when or at what point he knew he was in love with you.